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Spike of fungal ear infections during COVID-19

Writer: Dr. Koralla Raja MeghanadhDr. Koralla Raja Meghanadh

Updated: Aug 18, 2023

In the months spanning from June to September 2021, an unexpected rise in cases of external ear canal fungal infections, known as Otomycosis, captured the attention of medical professionals. Dr. Meghanadh, an ENT surgeon, attended to an average of four patients daily during this period. A stark contrast to the preceding trend, where he used to encounter around 30 such cases per month.

Otomycosis - Fungal Ear infection

Otomycosis, commonly known as a fungal ear infection, manifests in the outer ear. This condition can also be denoted as Fungal Otitis Externa, wherein "otitis" denotes an ear infection. Essentially, Fungal Otitis Externa signifies a fungal infection affecting the external portion of the ear.

Distinguishing otomycosis, the telltale indicator, is an intense itching sensation, succeeded by ear pain and, in more severe instances, perforation of the eardrum—a condition marked by the presence of a hole in the tympanic membrane.

This disease can arise from improperly cleaning the ears using unsanitized objects, particularly following a bath.

Spike during COVID-19

Intrigued by the sudden surge, Dr. Meghanadh investigated a possible link between COVID-19 and Otomycosis. He meticulously analyzed the data, noting that although a minority of cases were post-COVID, the numbers did not classify Otomycosis as a definitive post-COVID complication, unlike the well-documented mucormycosis. Drawing from his extensive experience, he hypothesized that the pandemic-induced shift in lifestyle may have played a pivotal role in the surge of cases.

He expounded on this notion, remarking that the altered routines and increased time spent indoors might have inadvertently contributed to the rise. The prevailing tendency to utilize earbuds during prolonged leisure periods could potentially foster an environment conducive to infection. While some experts attribute the spike to seasonal transitions, Dr. Meghanadh, citing his professional history, noted that the magnitude of this increase is atypical for seasonal variations alone. Thus, the novel factor lies in the ramifications of COVID-19 on our way of life, with lifestyle alterations emerging as the more plausible catalyst.

Delving into the intricacies of the issue, Dr. Meghanadh emphasized that using earbuds to clean the ear canal might inadvertently raise the likelihood of fungal infections. Moist conditions within the ear canal can render the skin more delicate, making it susceptible to damage. The insertion of earbuds, particularly after a bath, amplifies the risk of this damage and subsequent infection.

Otomycosis spike post covid-19, otomycosis causes, otomycosis treatment, otomycosis symptom outer fungal ear infection

Exacerbating Factors: Self-Medication with Antibiotic Ear Drops

Amid the pandemic's context, a noticeable trend emerged – people hesitated to seek medical attention for minor health concerns due to safety concerns. Instead, they turned to home remedies or self-treatment. This trend has been particularly evident among the patients consulting Dr. Meghanadh, where a concerning pattern emerged – many had resorted to using self-prescribed antibiotic ear drops.

However, this approach has a significant downside. These antibiotic ear drops can potentially wipe out the normal bacteria in the ear canal. Typically, these bacteria coexist harmoniously with fungi, creating a delicate balance that guards against infections. Unfortunately, antibiotic ear drops disrupt this balance, inadvertently creating an environment that promotes the growth of fungal colonies.

This rapid increase in fungal growth significantly raises the risk of eardrum perforation. What's even more concerning is how quickly this escalation occurs. As a result, the number of otomycosis patients experiencing eardrum perforation is much higher than usual. This situation highlights the complex interplay between self-medication, bacterial balance, and the subsequent surge in fungal infections. It underscores the importance of making informed healthcare decisions during the pandemic.

Key Takeaway and Conclusion

Dr. Meghanadh's advice to the public resonates strongly: refraining from self-medicating with antibiotic ear drops when experiencing ear irritation. The critical interplay between bacteria and fungi underscores the need for precision in medical decisions to prevent unintended consequences.

In conclusion, the surge of Otomycosis cases during COVID-19 has spurred a pertinent dialogue about the intricate relationship between lifestyle shifts, medical decisions, and ear health. Dr. K. R. Meghanadh's astute observations remind us that even seemingly innocuous changes in habits can have far-reaching implications for our well-being. As we navigate the post-pandemic landscape, understanding these dynamics becomes ever more crucial.


Dec 04, 2024

I get an ear infection like discussed here, I believe, about 2-3 days after having an upper respiratory infection. I think it's Covid driving these infections, for me it seems fairly clear. This has happened several times this year. I have not been using ear buds or antibiotics for over a year.


Feb 12, 2023

In modern day yes this is all true but I’ve seen 6 ents I was treated twice I was told to use oil I have perforated eardrums I have asked begged for Eustachian tube dysfunction testing all to be turned down and told the dr can’t do anything for me when in fact he had said if eardrum doesn’t grow back in 4 mths then probably surgery. That hasn’t happened and it’s in worse shape ever looks like I may have Osteomas or Otosclerosis or Cholesteatoma. I’ve had little testing as in CT’s and they showed nothing but they were long ago. One mri that I couldn’t complete due to the pain the noise and irritation in my ears. They…

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